
Sunday, April 20, 2014

My heart was all over the place today

My heart was all over the place today.

It was on babies and families and precious dresses and bow ties. It was on how much I long for a husband and kiddos of my own to bring to church and hunt eggs with. To make Sunday dinner with to laugh and cry with. To create traditions and memories with. It was with the single mom who brought her kids to church today not knowing where to go or how many cups of coffee she could have. It was with the husband who didn't want to be there but his wife dragged him anyways, it was with the broken and the lost. It was with the people worrying about how they looked and if their dress was too tight. It was with the people who didn't know the words and the folks wanting to worship freely like me. It was with the nursery workers who never get to be in service. It was with the boys in Oregon, and their mother who I should have begged harder to come today. It was with all the kids who have never had a visit from the Easter  bunny, or an Easter dress, for the unnamed, unloved, hungry and hurting. For the children in orphanages and foster homes who just need love. For the people battling with depression who find holidays lonely and harder than other days, mostly for the ones who didn't get out of bed today. 
I did. 
I had to, it's Easter. 

Since I had no one to take a cute Easter pic with..... Ladies: Casey is single.