
Thursday, September 30, 2010

All clear, homesickness and weddings:)

All clear no atypical or malignant cells up in me :D God is good!

Today people kept asking me if I had lost weight. I just laughed and said yeah a metaphorical 20000 lb weight lifted off my shoulders. ( though I am down quite alot) Don't get me wrong I knew I would be okay but untill I had the results i couldn't fully relax and breath. God has taught me that he is Faithful in every season! As the desert song says" all of my life in every season you are still God  I have a reason to sing" I would have had a reason to sing and worship had the results been different! Because God is good and Sovereign always! 

I've learned so many powerful lessons since being here its hard to out into words!

In other news

Everyone is sick :( it's no fun! But on the other hand I'm using this as an opportunity to serve and grow and learn how to be selfless. As in I cleaned the boys kitchen just because and would have cleaned the bathroom if I had a hazmat suit! Worship and service go hand in hand. 
It gives me great joy to help others especially in the kitchen! To watch someone take a bite and smile just makes me happy :)

I've been incredibly homesick this week! Then i was thinking how much I'm going to miss this place! Jess and Jared especially , everyone else and I will most likely be in the same country but not them. Anywho I'm adjusting to the food homesickness, mostly because I'm learning how to find the Aussie equivalent! I'm also learning how dumb I sound by whining about certain foods like orange  cheddar cheese and Mexican! 

Everyone in my life is getting engaged or married or met someone special, or new! It's all very exciting! Big shout out to the newly engaged ABBY AND LISA!!! God has blessed me with amazing women a friends and it's such a blessing to watch them find the man God has for them! I know your expecting me to complain and whine about it but God is preparing me in his own time and own way for my prince charming! I'm still holding out for my Cowboy with an Australian accent who can sing though:) just sayin.......

Miss and love to y'all!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Top 5 things and Value and PRAISES

Someone last night ask me what I wanted.
Name the first 5 things you can think of that you want right now...

Off the top of my head it went something like:

Husband  (All this baby maker drama has me all hormonal)
Home ( I'm tired of sharing a room)
Money for school  ( DUH)
to play a musical instrument ( I'm surrounded by talent)
Burrito ( I need mexican in my life)

then I spent a while pondering that question. I didn't really like my answers they all had negative parts and God has shown me in the past 3 months that I'm truely negative person.  My goal this week is to really seek God in answering this question!

Tonight we discussed Value in church. It was such an amazing sermon! It really made me think about how I treat people and how I'm treated. Am I really valued? Do I really value this person?

"I'd rather have you messy then not have you in my life at all!"
What a loaded statement right?
Do we truly feel this way about our brothers and sisters in Christ?
I mean I'm a uber messy person :)

So We are in a season of souls here at Hillsong. This means we are all praying for a harvest of lost souls. The other day I got really down because nothing was happening with the people I was praying for. Then I talked to my G-ma. Her Sisters husband Uncle lee had past away early in the week and most of the family had come in for the funeral. One of her sisters, Aunt Jo, came in from California- If I remember correctly from growing up aunt Jo was the only kid out of 7 not saved. My grandmother has always prayer for her family... anyways


here I am complaining because I've been praying specificly for 2 months meanwhile G-ma is praying for as long as she can remember!!! What a total God thing! I mean WOWZERS

Each day here is a blessing, pain or not :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Country Music............

 It is no secret to my friends here how much I miss Country music.

I  miss the twang, and steel guitar, and fiddle ect....

The other day in class I thought I was dreaming but I heard Alan Jackson... I literally walked up to a group of kids I really didn't know and made a fool of myself because I was SOOOO excited that someone was listening!

I've also learned how hard it is for a person with a twang in my voice like me to blend with others who don't. Its incredibly hard actually and has even brought me down a few times. I say my r's  Aussies dont, not that i sing with aussies in my band but we southerners pronounce are R's. I realized this the other day in Vocal class when we were doing a warm up. I just couldnt make my mouth form the same vowels they were... it just wouldn't happen.

So this got me thinking about how many country artists do learn how to blend with others, or how rock/pop artist appreciate the country style ect.
Off the top of my head we have....
Nelly and Tim Mcgraw- who was in Sydney on Tuesday :(
Sugarland and BonJovi
and a few more

yesterday I was goofing off on Itunes and found Maroon 5 did a Duet with Lady Antebellum. I thought the song "out of goodbyes" was a great blend of the two. Someone ask me the other day why I love Lady A so much and didn't really have a reply besides I like the music. After thinking about it, its more than just the music, its the lyrics too, also the fact that I can sing like her if i try real hard jk jk.

Anyways just some thoughts going on in my head. There is a TON going on up there!!!
I know that God gave me my voice and I just have to remember how to use it for his Glory. I felt like I have to change everything about me to  "BLEND" with others here but that is so not the case. I'm going to embrace my twangyness and keep saying my RRRRR'SSSSS .

Desert Song- Culture Group Service!

Above is my bands assessment for a culture group which is 18-25 Koreans in Sydney! I figured I'd share with you some about my band!

Marcos is from Brazil and plays electric guitar. Marcos is the kindest guy and is willing to help anyone with anything!
Moses is from Korea and a classical pianist. He is super shy but I think its just the language barrier, hes super funny once you loosen him up!
Aksel is from Norway and he's our Bass player. There are only 2 in our intake so we are lucky he's in our band. Aksel is such a leader, he helps so much to encourage us and keep us on track.
Ryan is from TEXAS and he's our Drummer. Ryan cracks me up and lightens the mood. He is such a talented Musician, like professional so we are lucky to have him.

Edith is from Kenya! Shes such a joy to have in class always caring and wants to make sure things are great!
Lea is from Germany. Shes hilerious! She keeps me laughing in class and is just a genuine person!
Nong is from Tialand ?I think? She is an incredablly passionate person and it shines through to everyone
Michele is from Georgia! She and I bonded instantly I think over the Southernness she is a natural leader and so so so caring
Then there is me.
I haven't been to band very much because of the Surgery but they have welcomed me back with open arms and I'll find my place soon enough.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Veiwing people in Gods image

My mind just got blown today.

We are made in the image of God...


What if we all started viewing the people we do everyday life with that mindset.
You roommates, friends, family, people on the bus ect.
the one that hit me the most was talking about relationships and males and females ect....

The man standing next to you is a man made in Gods image, maybe you have something to learn from him.

Hello slap in the face.

I've been saying all along that God has placed each person here in my life for a reason but man, that just made me change my view a little bit.

another thought is that I'm made in His image so maybe someone needs to see Christ through me. Maybe I'm the woman that someone needs to learn from too.

I know you were expecting greatness but just some thoughts  :)
here are some pictures from the other night at the Gathering :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hillsong stuff :)

Happy Fathers Day from Hillsong Church on Vimeo.

Great Australian Fathers Day Video!

Sunday Night Live August 2010 from Hillsong Church on Vimeo.

I loved Sunday night live. I had to miss a few but the ones I saw were amazing. Heres the video preview!

Post Op- another random update

I figured I should let you internet world know how I'm doing now that the surgery is over.

I'm hanging in there!

Pain wise- Its better but different. A different sore pain as opposed to the stabbing sharp that it was before. If I stand or walk for long periods I have some issues. It will just come down to me knowing my body.

Mental- My body has been on so many different medicines and hormones its going to take a while to chill out. I'm having some major problems with insomnia so that will do a number on anyone! I'm learning more and more how to rest in the Lord though.

Spiritual- WOW . Its hard for me to put in to words how much God has done with me in the past few weeks. I feel like I should be able to get it all out and I'm dying to share with so many of you but not yet I guess.

Mulah- Money Money Money- A lyric is about all I have to say about that. "My God is the God who provides"
A student jumped in and rescued me and paid for my surgery. You know what she had to say "Its Gods money not mine" Thank you Dave Bilderback for drilling that phrase into my head!
Also my roomy Arja saved the day with purchasing a $250 perscription when the pharmacist wouldnt take a credit card number.
Just a side note- I'm 15 hours ahead of my bank in Snyder. Sometimes this causes some major issues :D

God has blessed me with so many amazing people here.
I wish I could stop and thank everyone but that would take forever.
Many people have told me I have the whole church of hillsong praying for me, I didnt realize this WASN'T an exaggeration. I've recieved flowers, prayers, cards, and well wishes from the leaders in this church! Its been amazing just as amazing as the prayers, flowers, and support from back home.

God has truly shown me first hand how amazing HIS family is all over the WORLD!

I'm so SO SO blessed and I know that I'm right where I need to be :)