As I lay in bed last night, like I always do the night
before I see my Dad, I started thinking about the New Year. I’m not big on resolutions because quite
frankly I haven’t “Finished” much in my life. Why make a verbal vow that I
doubt I can keep? its kinda pointless to me and I just set myself up for some let downs! I did however keep a vow I made to myself and that is something
to celebrate. I completed THREE 5k’s this
year!!!!!!!!!! Despite being in a pit of
depression and emotional bull crap. I finished them. People ask why I enjoy them so much and I fianlly realized that each time I'm proving to myself and body that I can do something that my mind tells me I can't. My mind is my worst enemy.....I’m also steadily on
medicine, something I never wished or wanted to do but am now mature enough to
do so. I made some difficult changes and even jumped head first into living on
my own. God has taught me so much about myself this year. Why wouldn’t I
celebrate that and look forward to what’s coming next!
If I were a resolution making person they would be something
Read the Bible front to back
Bake a cake – rolled over from last year
Half Marathon!!!
Rock the grey hair no matter how bad it gets!
Get some financial peace
Fall in love again…….