When I was first approached about being apart of the church plant team I was apprehensive. I felt like I had nothing to offer plus I had just gotten comfortable and finally felt like I fit in with the people at North Village. For once since I've been in Austin I had friends. People I could enjoy the weekends and do things with without it being awkward everyone's single crap that goes on in churches these days. No longer was I spending every weekend alone in my room with a bag of chips....
I begged God not the make me leave or change when I had finally settled. Sadly after a few fits I shut up and listened.
It's not that I didn't love the church plant team, I just wanted the best of both worlds (sorry if I just got Hannah Montana in your head) and didn't want to lose my "family." I'd experienced it before after leaving Hillsong. I miss those people dearly and just don't like that feeling.
Well fast forward through months of crazyness with jobs, cross country moves and back, emotional battles, and lots of laughs, heartache and tears.
August Church had its Charter and Commissioning service this weekend. It was powerful and emotional for me and God once again showed me just how much greater He is than I could ever imagine. Our elders were ordained, we were "sent out" with our Lights shining (candles), our Charter was signed and we were made totally official.
I also learned that my friendships here aren't based on what church I'm apart of. I had my small group supporting me from afar . I know that God has allowed me to have the best of both worlds. I still have my friends and a new church family plus the greatest core team ever. Reid has said all along that he couldn't have hand picked a team like this and I now understand that it's just God. I feel like I finally got picked first by the best dodge ball player of all.....
The Creator Himself. And he showed me tonight that I have the best of the best team mates.
And now pictures :)
Casey and I let worship on for our charter service hence the dressyness!