
Friday, September 23, 2011

Yards and Bones


My mom always says "you don't hate anything, you strongly dislike it"
 well I really hate Yard work.    

I've had this daunting list of things to do to help out my aunt.
<<<<<<< read with a smile on your face >>>>>> 
I was informed that this seemed rude. I love living here and because I'm a total loser at the moment I really don't mind having things to do, I even said "make me a list" I realize that "taking me to the grocery store" is just as annoying as yardwork. I just wanted to clarify that this in no way was negative against my aunt or her list, I'm acutally in hopes that she will leave me another one next week :)
I've beasted on the list but left all the yard work for the last day thinking maybe it i wished hard enough it would go away.  The second to the last thing on the list says "rake out grass ect out of flower beds..." I started it the other day but it just made me so mad... its not grass its 2 ft long weeds with roots and annoyance. so I worked for about an hour day before yesterday and just made a mess. I set my alarm this morning to get up early and work while it was cool so I couldn't use the fact that Im allergic to heat ( like my mom) as an excuse. After about 40 mins of work its still a MESS. I HATE YARD WORK.

Speaking of yard work, my aunt and I majorly worked on the back yard a few weeks ago. It looks great! Jingles had been spending more time outside lately so I though he was just happy to have his yard back without being eaten by leaves.  I had a weird day yesterday so last night I was super excited to watch Grey's and lay on the couch ( even though I'm jobless I don't lay on the couch all day ) anyways I was laying here and see Jingles come in with a GIANT BONE. It was about a foot long which is way Giant for Jingles. I yelled and got a towel picked it up and send a picture to my aunt. I wanted to make sure this wasn't his "long lost favorite toy" but deep down I knew that he was no way allowed to have this.

If you know me you know I watch way to much TV, one of my favorite shows being BONES. If you've seen bones you know they start the same way every time, freaky things happen and you find bones.
While freaking out with my aunt on the phone I kept telling her if Jingles brings in a skull I was not going to be a happy camper! Of course she calmed me down but still...... I dreamed of bones in the yard all night. All I could think about was raking in the yard and finding a dead body.....

So If you can tell me what kind of bone this is it would help greatly with my metal state :)
I know its not a human one but you have to admit, you might freak out too!

Imoff to do the last thing on my list- "Search and Destroy all  McDonalds/Sonic cups!" My aunt is a funny funny lady

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