
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Adventures in Walnut Creek with a dash of Aunt Cathy

Today is my Aunt Cathy's 40th birthday. When my dad reminded me the other day I was shocked that shes 40. My Aunt Cathy is my age. Shes been "my age" for as long as I could remember. When I was younger we would spend hours playing mario and driving the golf cart. I remember the first time I came with a car and how much fun we had in the real car, but nothing can beat the golf carts. I got my amazing since of direction from her, we can tell you how to get somewhere after only being there once. She will love you more than anything and has the sweetest heart! Although I'm far away I've always felt a connection with my Aunt Cathy and miss her tons!

I'm kinda tired of doing my workouts on my block... its boring and I'm starting to run into some characters so I decided I'd start trying different parks in my area. I'm having an issue with my calories, I'm either over or under, being under is great but not when you have 1000 left over at the end of the day! I wasn't hungry so I figured I'd run ( and by run I mean drive) up the road to Walnut Creek Park and walk about a mile before heading back home to my unhealthy ,yet the only thing in the cabinet, Hamburger helper - I added Broccoli that has to count for something! Anyways I get to the park and there were tons of people there so I just picked a trail and started walking. The map online didn't look that big so I figured I'd just walk until I ended up at the parking lot.  Silly ME!

It was great and beautiful at first and I was just strolling taking pictures of the wildflowers  and creek. I had to move for the occasional biker but was kinda in my own little world!  I've been using the  nike+GPS  app
and it tells me when I'm at at mile and my pace and such, so when I heard a mile I was like cool I'm almost done. About that time I see this sign

I didn't even think to turn around. Later while I was bear crawling up a creek bet the thought crossed my mind. I also didn't realize that the Arrow with blue box meant Parking not pool! I was following the arrow with the P signs for a while also . Pool or Parking  those were the choices of the night.
 After Bikers going crazy fast kept passing me I remembered a sign a read about an 11 mile bikers only thing... I then freaked out and called my mom didn't answer ( with Chris at Hospital).
I was trying to figure out who I could call to come help me out. Abby and her husband Matt are super fit and could probably get to me but if I got hurt how could they carry me out.  Daniel was closest but I couldn't call him and say hi I'm lost.Where could I make shelter, find water, and other insane things like that. Finally an overweight man on a bike passed me and said hang in there your almost done. Personally I think he was my own personal big guy angel because I was starting to have a panic attack, or heart attack, or those I'm fat and shouldn't be doing this chest pains.... These days I can't tell the difference.

I made it safely back to the parking lot and looked at my friendly GPS that said 1.95 miles. Are you kidding me that felt like 5, I was kinda ticked that it had taken me and hour and a half  do only go 2 miles :(

Some said last night "yeah girl you've gotten really intense with this exercise stuff"
I've said for years, I hate dieting because it consumes me and its all I can think about is weight....
Now I'm just trying to change my lifestyle.Doing so means re evaluating my whole life, hence the blogs and fb posts about my journeys :)

Last week I said I wouldn't get on the scale because I was scared of the number, well folks I did and it wasn't pretty. We are sticking with measurements only until I grow some thicker skin!

1 comment:

  1. Good job on pushing through that trail, it looks like a tough one. I agree the scale is so harsh. I weigh everyday and the last few days it has made me realize I shouldn't! I have been eating healthy and trying to get in even a walk to the mailbox, but the scale has not been nice....going to stay off until my Dr. appt... :\
