
Thursday, May 9, 2013

date, new music and more...

I wanted to sit down and write a deeply inspiration blog…. unfortunately that’s just not where my head is at right now. I just had my greek dinner delivered to work so I figured I'd eat and clear my head

I went on a “date” the other night. It was my first in a while. Note to self.  Just because He’s a Christian and you were set up through church stuff doesn’t mean he’s not a sleaze ball. Just sayin :)

I highly recommend the new Lady Antebellum album Golden. If I still lived in Australia with all those talented folks I’m sure I’d want to cover half of them. Lucky for them I’ll just jam (cry) in my car. I cried through half of there sad songs this morning and was like man. I wish I could write like that, or write period. Big fan of “it Aint Pretty and something about the rain”

It feels like I’m running off receptionists, this week both jobs have had front desk people quit leaving everyone else to pick up the pieces. I wish there were more hours in a day.  If I could work all day at both places I would. Then maybe I could afford to live ( the way I want to) in this town.

I’m loving working at the Salon and watching people come in looking one way and leaving the next. Its making me want to look nicer and become more confident. I’ve been trying to make it to the gym or to run ( 
I walk they make laps around me) with some ladies from my bible study when I can but lately sleep is more important. I was told this afternoon that I needed to relax and calm down before I completely burn out. Which they are right but you do what you gotta do.

I’m still praying this next paycheck will be big enough for me to go to Georgia. I already have the days off but I need to make sure I can live once I get back. Its going to break my heart not to see my little brother graduate or see my Grandpa. Divorce sucks. One day I’ll be stable enough to afford to see everyone I love regularly.
I’ve been thinking about the LapBand surgery a lot lately. I feel like its cheating though… Figured I'd throw it out on my blog for some feedback?

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