On Sunday I had a short conversation with my worship leader that ended in me sending him some recordings/videos of my voice. If you know me you know this came as a shocking surprise and instantly sent me into an anxiety spiral. I know that God gave me a voice and that I am to use it to honor Him. He has made that abundantly clear, what isn't so clear is why I still dislike the sound of my voice, critique and rip every performance to shreds. Hello insecurity.
While digging through old Youtube videos and sound board mixes I stumbled across a class performance of " You Said"
One of the girls singing was beautiful. You could tell she sparkled despite the bad video quality. Her voice was powerful and it was evident she believed every word she was singing. She didn't seem to care her hair was a mess or that she was the largest person on stage. She was living her dreams and had everything going for her that day.
That girl was me.
I sobbed as I watched it over and over along with many others. I can't find that girl. Where did she go? Did I leave her in Australia? Did depression and mental illness rob me of my sparkle? I haven't sang like that in a while on stage. I do in my "Sheldon spot" 4th row end chair from the last section at church now, I'm so far back so that no one can hear me and so I don't distract many with my semi extravagant worship (disclaimer, I love my church and if I were to stand front and center, no one would notice or care, hello insecurity again). I miss her.
The woman I've become is so so so much stronger than that girl was though. If I told her about the weeks she would stay in bed, how many jobs she'd lost or quit because life was too hard to handle at times, If I told her about her friends and church forcing and paying for her to seek help, or that she would gain 80lbs, she would have laughed in my face.
I've been on this medicine for 5 months now and I'm starting to see glimpses of her again. God reminded me of that Monday as I was getting ready for bible study goofing off with my Mom pretending I had on parachute pants and it was hammer time. He's reminding me as I try and come out of my shell, make friends and invite people places and into my life, that girl loved people and community. The last 5 years may have been dark, scary and hard but I'm still in there. I'm still me.
Love this from Hillsong Young and Free- This is living (I personally love the acoustic version. Real one is great but way to "peppy" for me)
See the sun now bursting through the clouds
Black and white turns to color all around
All is new, in the Savior I am found
I'm not sure if this will come through as a duplicate comment since this is "take two" typing, but THANK YOU for giving us a glimpse into your heart as you work through your thoughts/feelings right now... I feel privileged and blessed to call you friend!