
Friday, March 4, 2011

I had the best day with you today......

yesterday was one of the best days I've had since I got here. Its like God said here is a freeby almost perfect day!

First we had breakfast in core tutiorial! Muffins, fruit and hashbrown casserole! God really used the fellowship with them to remind me that my cooking is God given and such a blessing!

Then after tut we had chapel which was just off the chains. There is a new song that we dont know the name of it yet so college just calls it "song with no name" well it comes out on the new album in july and we love it. College has just latched ahold of it and its such a declaration of what I think is our heart. Worship in chapel was just amazing I felt the presence of God move. Then we had an awesome item as a promo for Color Conference which was a girl band doing the dixie chicks cant hurry love. I giggled out of my seat. I cling to my country music loving background and some days its what makes me through. I firmly believe that sometimes God uses it to speak to me.... anyways it was super. The Chapel message was on "image management" and how people put on mask and hide behind them ect... so so encouraging!

Then we headed out on our Friday night adventure! A friend of Arjas ( and mine but mostly her) was playing a show in a town nearby... we could have taken the train or the bus there but were feeling adventerous so we took the ferry. What a beautiful sight it was. We got to see all of Sydney and then up the river to Parramatta.
The only thing that would have made it better was if I had a man! It was great! Parramatta was a great little town and I think it would be fun to just go explore more of it one day!

Alan's show was off the chain... He was mind blowing amazing and it was so nice to see someone so talented following Gods will. My flatmate Sylvia and I really got into it because one of the songs had us both in tears by the end of it which was quite embarassing... well for me anyways but y'all know I'm emotional.

All in all it was an amazing day, one that was just normal with the hand of God on it. Jared put on his facebook,  "Last semester I lived in the meritons. This semester I'm livin in Sydney" Sometimes I forget that you at home don't understand this bubble we live in. Its a great bubble but it feel like an incredibly small town in a big big city. So when we get out and about its just crazy to remember oh yeah I live in SYDNEY! I think if God chooses to let me live here forever awhile I will always be in awe of this place... its still a dream to me. 

1 comment:

  1. I want you to remember this statement that you made:
    "I think if God chooses to let me live here forever awhile I will always be in awe of this place... its still a dream to me. " I love you hehehe. I'm glad that you had a great time and I love the part about how we wear a mask... so true yet so revealing!
