I'm not quite sure how begin this blog or even what to write about. I'm beyond overwhelmed by what God is doing my life at the moment it's hard to out into words.
I remember Arja talkin about how colour will change my mind and broaden my mindsets... Most of the time she sounded like a broken record set to the Colour track. Then I think the holy spirit took over and it became just wait for color, he's preparing your heart for something big... I did what I normally do and ignored her/God
So last night I was super stoked to go the opening session luckily Arja was like hey save me a seat.
I sat for an hour just waiting watching the women praying that God would move in my heart. About 10 mins before it started the tears started and just didn't stop. I think I cried myself to sleep even.
It was breathtaking to see 10,000 women sing and worship their father. To think that I was surrounded by more women than jn my while hometown. All of them ready to sing praise and honor the Father. I'm not really sure why I didn't stop crying, i think I was just so overwhelmed and exhausted. I felt as if I crawled up in my heavenly Fathers lap and let it all out....
What did I let out? I don't even know, I mean some of it I did but i felt like God just reached into my heart and started dealing without my brain knowing what
Hebrews 10:35-36
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.
One of the speakers, jeanie mayo, reminded us that "If your vision doesn't cost you anything it's just a daydream!" I feel as if God is speaking vision directly into my heart. not just silly day dreams..... Hillsong was once just a daydream.
In a world of half heartedness dare to live with passion! Even if it's cooking, cook to the gloryness of God! Passion is just energy of the soul.." A Christ honoring passion coupled with the discipline of endurance will make us, to His honor, UNSTOPPABLE!"-Jeanie Mayo
How appropriate for me :)
Love you, girlfriend! Yup ... it's all about PASSION!!!!!! :)