
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mental Health/Cheat day

Yesterday when I woke up I figured I'd do some extra walkage this way I wouldn't have to be "that girl" at lunch & dinner. You know the one who is like" I know our favorite place is rounders pizza but I just want a salad". I want to punch people like that in the face. I will soon need to come to terms with being "that girl" but until then I'll just do some extra laps :) I also knew that a good old fashioned slumber party wouldn't come with out some calorie intake. SO would I give up some fun with friends to eat rabbit food? Of course not, My mental state is was more important than my psychical one at this point in my journey :)

After looking for houses with my aunt, I met up with Abby for some gal time! It was so good to just drive around and be 13 again. We tend to have the best time with the music up in the car or eating so luckily we did both. Upon arrival at Rounders I had some flash backs of eating whole pizzas with Greg, unfortunattly he only liked Cheese so I got super excited to see our Onion, Mushroom, Garlic, and Chicken pizza come out! Once I saw it I immediately started thinking about the calories, inches -/+, I felt incredibly guilty. As I've said before I feel like if I'm going to do this I'm going to share it all soooo....
Heres our pizza! That we finished. Yes g-ma that's lost of pizza, lots of gluten filled, high calorie pizza.
Our waiter was quite impressed with our grubbing skills. Abby's tiny but can pack away as much food as me. We have always loved to eat!

I had a good old fashioned slumber party with Leta last night! It was so much fun! We just talked and watched Cellular and had some freebirds.

I'm so thankful that God allowed me to have a weekend full of friends and fun! Things have been so weird lately I'm thankful for the little things lately. He showing me how easy it is to just trust in Him.


  1. I'm not going to lie that pizza looks amazing! I am sure if it was put in front of my roommate and I that we could certainly devour it.... and then have some dessert! No one is perfect!
