
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I DID IT!!! 50:04

I can't do it I said to Savahna as we are nearing the crowd of people cheering loudly. My body hurt, I couldn't breath or see. Don’t fall, your doing this for a wonderful cause,  don’t fall, stop crying, don’t fall was all that was crossing my mind when I stepped over the finish line.

This is the best worst picture I've ever taken!


Thank you JESUS I DID IT!!!




I did it!!!


I knew going in that I'm not in a movie, I'm not a Disney princess so my mommy and Greg and all of my friends weren’t suddenly going to appear at the finish line. But because they weren’t there it meant so much more.


I did it. ( all GOD)


If you have spent any amount of time with me then you know I have some self image issues. So it's no surprise that the morning of the race up until the last minute I didn't think  I was going to make it. I know some of you are rolling you eyes and saying things like oh you were fine but seriously y'all I still can't believe that happened! I asked my mom if I was dreaming and was going to wake up and have to do it all over again! These past 6 months have not been the best and it just amazes me what the lord can do!


God made me realize the strength I have in Him this weekend. He knew exactly who I needed there and why, ( love you Savahna)


 This weekend brought new meaning to Philippians 4:13 for me!



  1. The laughing picture is my favorite because I swear I can hear you.

  2. AWESOME. honestly. i could NEVER run for 50 minutes straight. or do anything for that long!
