
Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Heart Hurts.....

I often say my heart hurts. It hurts for my friends, family, people I see on the street, animals, orphans, things I can't change. I'm a fixer- I want to fix it and make it better. When I can't, I hurt.

Its annoying.

I'm not just talking about the heartbreak that comes from the end of a relationship. I'm talking about all heartbreak. I can be heartbroken for a family member and it feel the same gut wrenching awful pain I feel when my heart is being stomped on. I often wonder if other people feel the same way or if we just say "aww that breaks my heart" the same way we say "oh I'll pray for you". 
This week at work one co-worker had  a miscarriage, another divorce, and another the murder of  his mother. My heart hurt. I couldn't fix any of those things. All I could do was pray and let them know I'm there for them.

Proverbs 4:23 says "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."

I don't think I'm good at guarding my heart....

My heart aches right now. I can't fix it. I can't make it better. All I can do is pray and while that gives me comfort its also so annoying. I know God gave me my big heart, and for that I'm thankful.

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